Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It is just common dog-sense as to when to keep my distance.  Alpha human female hasn't been well, and the energy is way down.  So I leave her alone.  Most of the time.  I do try to animate her occasionally.  She always turns to me, which is a good thing, but responds in different ways.  She may just give me a look.  Or she may stroke me.  Or she may say something.  Whatever it is, I simply stay close.  Being present without demanding something seems to be the one behaviour Alpha human female can perpetually tolerate, well, more than tolerate, my being close by penetrates the innate human fear of Aloneness.  Of course I understand that perfectly.  Dogs don't want to be alone, we absolutely need company and attention, and interaction.  We like to snuggle up so that even in our sleep we can feel the security of the group/family/pack, whatever you're calling it yourself.  No, I don't feel sorry for her, dogs don't feel pity in that human kinda sense.  But I intuit that there's an imbalance, a fragility, and I respond in doggie ways.  Tomorrow, I don't know about that.  Today, this is what is.  And that's all that's to it.

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