Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Splash, Splash!!!

OOOoooahhhhh!  A little rain, a field, no cows, some wind, and pools of water forming here and there, and mud, mud, mud!  I'm loving it!  Made quite a splash today, so I did.  Nothing like it.  Full throttle, snout to the breeze, ears flapping, paws barely touching the ground, and the droplets fly around me!  Nice little roll, too, and I admit, the colour of my coat turned from yellow to brownish-spotted all over!  Back home, a towel-dry, a carrot and off to my basket for a well-earned snooze.  Legs are twitching in my sleep, as I do it all over again, in my dreams!  Good times!!! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Labs are sometimes gentle, and sometimes, well....

There is this black-and white discription of Labs.  They are soandso, and soandso, and thisandthat.  Yes, at times Labs are gentle.  I can safely say that I have a gentle streak.  AND (not but) they are also a bit thick sometimes.  I can also safely say that I have a headbutting streak.  And occasionally knock things over.  I don't remember all the time how fragile humans are (and porcellain), well, certain parts of them more than others.  It's nothing personal, not at all.  Just plain being a Lab, a mix of many characteristics!  In general, Labs are good-natured, playful, like water to splash in, and food.  Actually, this is also where I in particular are a biteen different.  I do not gobble my food.  Rosie does.  Straight down, no chewing.  She doesn't need teeth, everything is swallowed whole!  Me, I chew with consideration, and I do sniff at things that are unfamiliar before I would pick them up and eat.  Humans don't take time to sniff things.  They don't sniff their food, and often don't do a lot of chewing either.  Which can result in human flatulence!  Not that I mind.  But they seem to be unhappy about it.  So why not adopt the Nell-technique?  Sniff, then decide.  If you decide to eat, chew. Stop when full.  Easy for me, I know.  Not so easy for others, perhaps.